It's everywhere in our society. It's permeated through media, school, gasp even the yoga room!
Comparison. I remember one of my very first writing assignments in English class was to write a comparison paper. Why are we so obsessed with comparing everything...comparing everything?!
I'm meeting with a group of wonderful women every Sunday. I don't know how to describe it; it's a book club/private yoga class/potluck party - women who are striving to {live out loud}. LOL is what we call it. And it's been amazing. We've had break-throughs, break-downs, we've faced fears and discussed issues that plague us.
Today I'd like to share a post I made in our private group. I offer it because I feel that we could all benefit from taking a closer look at this comparison business.
In the book the group is reading (I'm not reading the book currently because I have about 20 I need
to get through for my certification...but I WILL!). there is a quote that was shared with me. I was asked to write about it, and it's like it came to me straight from the Universe...because its exactly what I need to work on.
"Comparison is the thief of
So this really resonates with me. I had to mull it over for a few
hours because there is so much I could say, but I want to make it short
and sweet. I compare myself daily...probably every second, every moment
to everything! I've written a blog about this my comparison
eventually turns in to competition...something I have a very unhealthy
relationship with. I've found this in my teaching lately, as much as I
hate to admit it. I compare many students do the other
teachers have, look how much better Rebecca speaks to this, look how
much better Amber demo's this
pose...look at how both of their practices are so much more advanced
then mine, and this starts stealing all of my joy because I revert to
self mutilation like "How can I even teach piking when I can't even do
it myself...." enter self doubt....
Ana (Forrest) says the
first step to healing and change is acknowledgement. I still revert to
my habits often, but I can start changing by being present (activating
my feet) when I catch myself doing something that doesn't serve me. How
quickly the amazing yoga-high buzz that comes from teaching an awesome
class fades when I start to compare myself to others. So I've been
catching myself...daily. Even in the little things. I'll ask myself, so
why did I feel the need to compare just now...I dig deep...hmm do I feel
that I am not worthy of feeling this happy?...go deeper... am I worried
that savoring this moment will result in no more moments like these? And
I try to get to the source of my comparison. Some day's I don't get
that far, I only get so far as acknowledging what I just did.

challenge ya'll to start observing when you compare yourself...and to
get curious about why. Often it's associated with a sacred-contract lie
we've made to ourselves (we're not good enough etc). Which is totally bullsh*t!!
Consider that you are enough just as you are. Because it's true. Even your imperfections, they make you - YOU!
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